In this day and age everything is about speed and quantity.
Our connection with ancestral knowledge is as much in peril as the relation between our generations.
Where everyday items we used in the past had to last for a lifetime – or several – now they are all turning into single use objects made of materials only few of us understand and can master and none of us know how to get rid of sustainably.

As much as new technologies have brought us many good things, improved our lives in very diverse ways, we believe it is our obligation to ensure not everything we know as a species is simply replaced. New insight and know-how should be an addition to our collective knowledge, not a replacement. How fast we can travel is not as important as how and where we go. The experience of it. The good old proverb, the journey is the reward.

The two of us have found many matching ideas and views on this subject. We believe learning is the purpose of our lives. Materials like wood and clay are what started our civilisation and should remain an integral part that we understand and respect. They remain within the eternal cycle of life and are not irreversibly changed.
With Two Hermits we aim to follow that obligation and attempt to make sure these ancient technologies aren’t lost in the turmoil of our newfound freedoms.

The reason for the name Two Hermits came from the realisation, that both of us seem to enjoy solitude more than the average person and are often met with disbelief about it. Let’s call it a shared solitude 🙂


Smoked Meat

Wood Fired Oven

Smoked fish


We enjoy living like a hermit, but we cannot live like a hermit

Canh Tran

Nico Vollenweider